
Garbage pickup
Garbage pickup

garbage pickup garbage pickup

If the landlord does not find the culprit, he/she will add the costs into the building’s utility bill, which is paid by all the tenants. In addition, your landlord will invoice you for the costs resulting from incorrect waste separation: If waste is not separated or separated incorrectly, the costs that your landlord has to pay for waste disposal increase. If you don't change your behaviour, you could even lose your flat/home.

garbage pickup

If you don't follow the waste separation rules, your landlord can issue a warning. Everyone has to properly separate their waste and throw it in the right bins. Yes, waste separation is mandatory in Germany. coffee and tea dregs, fruit and vegetables remains, eggshells, leaves). Bio Waste or Brown Bin: compostable kitchen and garden waste (e.g.Black or Gray Bins: residual waste or household waste and all other types of waste that cannot be recycled (for example, porcelain, hygiene articles, dirty packaging, damaged shoes or utensil, vacuum cleaner bags, nappies, cigarette butts, window glasses).paper packages of groceries, ought to be put in the residual waste bin and Tetra-packs (in which juice and milk are sold) belong in the yellow sack or bin. Please note: Very old/stained paper, e.g. Green or Blue Bins: Paper waste and cardboard (for example, paper bags, newspapers, catalogues, writing paper, cartons, cigarette packs).all packaging which are not made of glass or paper (for example aluminium foil, plastic bags, tins, yoghurt cups, Tetra-packs in which juice and milk are sold, plastic bottles and coffee packs) Yellow Bins (also „yellow bags“ or „Grüner-Punkt-Müll“): Light-weight packaging, i.e.Only certain types of waste may be thrown into each bin: You can find out when the rubbish is picked up in the so-called "waste calendar" (Abfallkalender), which is delivered to your mailbox once a year - you can also obtain the calendar from the town hall (Rathaus). Alternatively, you can search for the pick-up calendar of your district online. Alternatively, you can wait for the next collection date and keep specific items, e.g. In the countryside, you may have to drive to a recycling plant to find all these bins. In big cities, there are four different bins in the backyard of almost every house.

Garbage pickup